about me

Me and my dog! In approximately the year 2000 I discovered yoga. At about the age of 40, I was a late yoga-bloomer. Being a person who can, at times, be overly active and fairly stressed while juggling too many balls and becoming spread too thin, I found getting on a yoga mat akin to an idyllic vacation in a secluded paradise. Once I began attending regular yoga classes, being on my mat became an instant cue to settle down, settle in, shift gears, and decompress. Of course there were, and still are times when I am physically and emotionally challenged or frustrated on the mat, but the practice of yoga encourages me to turn my focus inward and be the witness rather than the reactionary. Practicing yoga gives me tools to work through difficulties that arise and these tools, I can take off the mat and into the rest of my life.

I loved yoga almost immediately, and by the end of 2004 I was enrolled to begin a yoga teacher training program. That endeavour was thwarted by a head injury resulting in two intra-cranial surgeries. It was not until 2012 that I received my 200 hour Hatha Yoga teaching certification from the Birchwood Center, in Nyack, NY. Now, I am not only able to practice yoga, but to teach it as well; able to guide others to stretch themselves on many different levels to bring balance, harmony, endurance, and flexibility into their bodies, minds, and spirits.

With much gratitude to all of my teachers throughout the years and to all my wonderful students who have also taught me so much,

terry b



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